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I'm Xian. I listen to KPOP and JROCK every-single-day. My soul and mind belongs to Anime & Manga World. Cats and Stars are my Sunshine. Silently lusting over YAOI. Well pretty much a Random Fangirl. More?


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April 28, 2013

Welcome Home Dad!


Hello! How are you guys? Quick update for you guys, my dad is back from Saudi after two years. Yup! He’s an OFW and it’s really good that he’s back even though for just a month vacation. Anyways, I’m really happy and I wanted to thank God for his safety ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Here is my dad by the way~ He just got up when I went home last Wednesday (•‿•) He’s 60+ but he said he still wanted to work for the sake of my brother (he’s in college now). As much as I want him to stay, I’m not confident in shouldering everything for my family. My work’s pay is not as big as his who can provide all of our expenses (T_T) He said it’s just a matter of sacrifice and we’ll still be able to survive everything. I love my dad for being positive despite what happen to us emotionally, mentally and financially. God is good for giving us a chance to see the light and still keep moving forward (•‿•) On the other hand, I will do my very best to help, even though it’s not much as big (•‿•) My sister and I are helping to get back our lives again (•‿•) Of course, God will be always there for us (︶ω︶)

Anyways, he’ll be with us for 40 days (•‿•) I’m in dorm on weekdays so I get to see him every weekends (╯︵╰,) My sister, she will be able to see him only for 1 week since she’s working in the province which approves only 1 week leave in a month (╯︵╰,) It’s sad. It’s not the way it was before that we spend the time everyday together. But, it’s okay~ I just wanted to be happy that he’s here now :(─‿‿─)

I usually don’t ask for Dad to buy me something but what surprised me is this….


Yes, my 1TB Toshiba External HD <3 Ahhh~ I’m glad that my dad knows what I really want (●⌒∇⌒●) I was about to buy this last December but I got broke when I swipe for my Desktop XD I can’t buy them all at once so I have to wait and save money and unexpectedly~ this came \( `.∀´)/ Thank you very much Dad o (◡‿◡✿)

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