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I'm Xian. I listen to KPOP and JROCK every-single-day. My soul and mind belongs to Anime & Manga World. Cats and Stars are my Sunshine. Silently lusting over YAOI. Well pretty much a Random Fangirl. More?


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Things I missed to blog...

March 13, 2012


First of all thank you to those who welcome me! XD and yes, there are so many things I missed to blog that’s why I will blogged it here today before I go to sleep XD

Well, let’s start with the day I get to start my work. I became a trainee for 2 weeks before they let me handle their accounts. It was honestly boring like you’re back in school and learning things. Good thing it was just for two weeks and after that I get to have my own cube. My work is okay. Demanding but can really handle it. Co-workers are great. Approachable and friendly. I also love their special activities. I am also a full-grown nocturnal now and hates sunlight (naah~ just pretending to be a vampire XD) It wasn’t hard since it was already my hobby since grade school. I guess I was trained for that XD.  And here comes my first pay! Woohoo! I can’t believe I’m earning! I was really happy even though it wasn’t that much but little by little I can give some to my mom. I know I still can’t cover our financial needs but hey! I’m earning! XD

ayumi & luna

Aside from clothes and shoes which are my needs, I bought a new cat with my first salary. So Ayumi has now Luna. She’s a girl. I rarely buy girl pets but I can’t just help myself because she’s so cuddly that’s why I end up being I-don’t-care-if-you’re-a-girl-i-will-buy-you-now mode XD! and yes, she’s a siamese :)

I have been in touch a lot with my high school friends and we’ve been hanging out a lot to whatever/wherever we planned to go. Movies, foods, events etc. Today we had a drinking session. It was just an out of nowhere plan. It’s really fun to have your friends planning on things you wanted to try or at least they’re game on whatever trips you have in mind. It’s like we’re having a bucket-list of things we wanted to do or go XD We even put it in our listography. No, we’re not going to die yet! HAHAHAHA!

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